Use "punctuate|punctuated|punctuates|punctuating" in a sentence

1. Directions: Punctuate the following sentences with Commas

2. We have not yet learned to punctuate correctly.

3. The pupils have not yet learned to punctuate correctly.

4. We have not yet learned to punctuate Correctly

5. Etymology: From acus + punctuate How to pronounce Acupunctuate?

6. He did not bother to punctuate the telegraph message.

7. The children have not yet learned to punctuate correctly.

8. The children have not yet learned to punctuate Correctly

9. His speech was punctuated by catcalls.

10. The silence was occasionally punctuated by laughter.

11. Never Bestow an exclamation mark on someone who punctuates you with a comma

12. This consists of vast grasslands punctuated by trees.

13. The transcription of his speech must be punctuated.

14. The preceding weeks had also been punctuated by strikes.

15. 3 President Nixon punctuated his Watergate tapes with obscenities.

16. The announcement was punctuated by cheers from the crowd.

17. 19 Learn to punctuate orally in extemporaneous speaking by observing all written punctuation when you read.

18. Your paper on punctuated equilibrium in the Devonian Era was topnotch.

19. Her Controversial speech was punctuated with noisy interjections from the audience

20. Her controversial speech was punctuated with noisy interjections from the audience.

21. It was the kind of haggling that sometimes was punctuated by gunfire.

22. " Chuang-tzu" sitting on my desk, the book everywhere punctuate small sister-in-law Juanxiu text.

23. Exercise : Apostrophes Punctuate the following sentences with Apostrophes according to the rules for using the apostrophe

24. The President spoke at length in a speech punctuated by applause.

25. One of my favorite scriptures is punctuated with an exclamation mark:

26. Grief is a constant companion, so is the refrains of Alleluiahs that punctuates the song like a glimpse of angelic choirs

27. The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic.

28. The babble of conversation was punctuated by the chink of bottles against glasses.

29. It denotes an anemic recovery, with bursts of excitement punctuated by collapses.

30. Synonyms for Apostrophizes include addresses, speaks to, talks to, communicates with, writes to, converses with, makes conversation with, punctuates, accentuates and dots

31. Work at Airborn has an atmosphere of quiet business, punctuated by moments of personality

32. These formed a dazzling palette of colors punctuated by hundreds of fountains, terraces, and cascades.

33. From a young age, Jackson often punctuated his verses with a sudden exclamation of oooh.

34. A music box interlude punctuates "Up the Stairs / Down the Hall", and there are haunted-house piano stylings in "Mr. Moustafa".

35. He was the co- developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equilibrium.

36. Apocalypses and Apocalypticism in Antiquity(Part I) IntroductionA series of scholarly milestones punctuates the history of the study of ancient Apocalypses and apocalypticism

37. A mixture of sorrow and jubilation punctuated the voices of those who addressed the crowds.

38. But punctuated genes of higher animals and plants are not the only additional complexity .

39. Sentimental visits home were punctuated by heated and bitter political arguments with my nearest and dearest.

40. Heckling, disorder, independence In the meantime, sessions have been punctuated by endless heckling and frequent disorder.

41. It is rumored that the meticulous Beau Brummel was so particular about this punctuating accessory that he would often tie 20 Cravats before he was satisfied

42. Aseismic creep may occur episodically, punctuated by slow slip events and low frequency earthquakes (Socquet et al

43. They would remain there for nearly a thousand years, though these were punctuated by numerous invasions.

44. 22 They emerge from periods of punctuated equilibrium with radically different structures that once again begin slowly evolving.

45. A row of curtainless windows punctuated the wall behind the sink, all of them opaque with ancient grime.

46. This has made our task if anything yet more difficult, punctuated by agonizing debates and times of distrust.

47. Other hive worlds are poisoned wildernesses punctuated by rearing plasteel termite mounds, vertical cities that punch through the clouds.

48. I spend waking hours in a fog of delirium, punctuated by uncontrollable giggle fits, heart palpitations, and mental Anguish.

49. A tuna’s epitaph might simply read: “From birth to death a marathon, punctuated only by frenzied sprints.”

50. The experience, full of whimsy, is an inviting atmosphere punctuated by Americano’s eclectic design inspired by 1960’s Italian cinema

51. Their musical turns are interspersed with comic anecdotes and frequent excursions into repartee, punctuated by flashes of Cattiness and bickering.

52. And, in fact, emotional contagion can be broader still. Like we could have punctuated expressions of anger, as in riots.

53. Remember: You should be able to remove the material in parentheses completely and still have a correctly punctuated, grammatical sentence.

54. There were songs and testimonies, spontaneous sermons and exhortations, joyous shouts and prayers punctuated by sobs and tears.

55. Reading between the lines, I can readily see that her weeks of weaning were punctuated with episodes of near suffocation.

56. 6 Other hive worlds are poisoned wildernesses punctuated by rearing plasteel termite mounds, vertical cities that punch through the clouds.

57. Your backyard design is anchored with evergreen Bushes, then punctuated with magnificent, easy-care flowering Forsythia, Lilac, Hydrangea and Rose of …

58. As if playing their roles from an identical script, the men bowed and paid perfunctory respects in phrases punctuated with honorifics.

59. 15 Why, after a campaign punctuated by sporadic Khmer Rouge attacks, was the election allowed to proceed relatively peacefully?

60. To subvert them would be to incite peasant revolts even more threatening than those which punctuated the eighteenth century.

61. The gunshots were no longer dull thuds echoing off the hill but reports, punctuated by the snapping of triggers.

62. Most of the thrills here come from watching one of our Canniest directors perform rattling wheelchair dollies on a waxed hospital floor while over-punctuating video-noisy close-ups and cheesy

63. The Canonesses are contemplatives. Their day is punctuated by times of prayer, so necessary for a soul who seeks God

64. In the formation, layers of fine-grained volcanic ash punctuate a sequence of carbonate muds that were accumulating in a marine environment on the outer continental shelf.

65. As Carol Jackson moved about in the kitchen she could hear the steady burble of conversation, punctuated every so often by a laugh.

66. Houston’s geography is a complicated one that consists of numerous Bayous punctuating the city.When the city was first founded, it was built around the area where White Oak Bayou and Buffalo Bayou converge

67. The Durtlang Hills constitute a natural barrier immediately south of Aizawl, their high ridges punctuated by Mizo villages and Christian missions, and provide

68. But for some people, Awkwardness can be a way of life, punctuated by regular experiences of painful misunderstandings that lead to social exclusion

69. June 30 would mark the end of the triennial contract cycle that had punctuated labor-management relations in the copper industry since midcentury.

70. The lush “Blissing Me” is punctuated by cascading, plucked harp melodies that buoy Björk’s story of paramours falling in love through music

71. When the conversation deserved to be punctuated she threw back her head and gave a perfectly proportioned peal of carefully modulated laughter.

72. Aside from its labyrinthine medical mysteries punctuated with infectious diseases and nephrology, House is mostly about one man's deep love for his own peerless brain.

73. Brawn Importantly, although these representations of ' beef and Brawn' masculine soldiering did indeed punctuate the interview texts, they did not overshadow other pictures of ideal masculinity as inherent to soldiering

74. In the book, thematic chapters and individual oral histories are punctuated by her simple, striking photographs of the nuns in their Cloistered community

75. The current consensus is that Earth's history is a slow, gradual process punctuated by occasional natural catastrophic events that have affected Earth and its inhabitants.

76. Botanically, a great number of the Bamboos can easily be recognized by their prominent, hollow stems, known as "culms," punctuated at intervals by nodes.

77. Thorax: Pronotum subcampanulate, about 2.19x as broad as long; disk strongly convex, inclined forwards, densely transversely rugose punctuate; lateral margin finely explanate, pale hyaline with reddish extremity; posterior margin sinuately convex to weakly Bisinuate.

78. Thorax: Pronotum subcampanulate, about 2.19x as broad as long; disk strongly convex, inclined forwards, densely transversely rugose punctuate; lateral margin finely explanate, pale hyaline with reddish extremity; posterior margin sinuately convex to weakly Bisinuate.

79. The 30 Montaigne Bag, initially designed as a tribute to the first Parisian ateliers, is distinguished by its structured silhouette and punctuated with a wide shoulder strap

80. Craptacular Items Draw 300 Entries Recently, bloggers were pointing to a Wikipedia listing of the made-up words that punctuate "The Simpsons" TV series - words such as "beginulate" "beverine" and